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Step 1 of 3
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Did You Know: Storytime Fun Facts
The first picture book specifically designed for children was "Orbis Sensualium Pictus", also known as "The World of Things Obvious to the Senses drawn in Pictures", by John Amos Comenius. It was first published in 1658 in Latin and German, and was the first widely used children's educational book that combined words with illustrations.
Step 2 of 3
We're proofreading your story, making sure it's perfect.
Did You Know? Storytime Fun Facts
The first picture book specifically designed for children was "Orbis Sensualium Pictus", also known as "The World of Things Obvious to the Senses drawn in Pictures", by John Amos Comenius. It was first published in 1658 in Latin and German, and was the first widely used children's educational book that combined words with illustrations.
Step 3 of 3
Putting on the finishing touches and adding your artwork. Almost there!
Did You Know? Storytime Fun Facts
The first picture book specifically designed for children was "Orbis Sensualium Pictus", also known as "The World of Things Obvious to the Senses drawn in Pictures", by John Amos Comenius. It was first published in 1658 in Latin and German, and was the first widely used children's educational book that combined words with illustrations.
This image depicts a joyful Black boy with curly hair and large glasses, using a flashlight to project stars in a magical forest under a full moon. He wears colorful sailboat-print pajamas and stands next to a laughing chimpanzee. The whimsical scene includes floating cupcakes and candy, creating an enchanting dream-like atmosphere.
Step 2 of 2

Create your story

Enter you story idea below to craft an adventure that ignites your child's imagination. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Your story will be written in your language.
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Gentle night sounds
Counting Sheep
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