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Unlock a world of child-safe personalized stories for less than the cost of a single picture book each month. Dive into endless tales crafted just for your child, without stretching your budget.
4 stories/month
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10 stories/month
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Storyteller plan
Everything in starter
100 stories/month
Lifelike read-aloud
Advanced editing
All story types
Early access to new features
4 stories/month
Limited features
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Starter plan
$72 paid annually
10 stories/month
Full personalization
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Multi-language support
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Storyteller plan
$144 paid annually
Everything in starter
100 stories/month
Lifelike read-aloud
Advanced editing
All story types
Early access to new features
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Unlimited story/audio creation
Interactive Features
Shared library access
Access to all story types
Story ownership transfer
Personalized setup and training
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Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Read the full FAQ below or chat to our team.
Can I change my plan later?
Yes. You can change your plan at any time. Your new plan will start at the end of your current billing cycle.
What is your cancellation policy?
You're free to cancel your subscription at any time. Your plan will stop at the end of your current billing period.
Can I use Storytailor in my classroom?
Absolutely! Storytailor is a great tool for stimulating creativity and improving writing skills in the classroom. Teachers can guide blend lessons with storytelling, making learning fun and interactive.
What kind of stories can I make?
As long as they are appropriate for children, there are no limits! From fairytales to science fiction, from personal narratives to fictional worlds, Storytailor can help you create any type of story you can imagine.
Is there learning style support?
Storytailor caters to diverse learning styles. To further tailor your experience, explore our plan which offers enhanced customization to craft stories that align perfectly with your preferences.